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ANVH EP - 26 Pyrethrum poison on cat 除蟲菊中毒

Our team had received a phone call during the midnight, said that their cat start to stroking/cranking after applied the dewormer.

Once Dr heard this scenario, instructed the O bring the cat immediately, because this case highly chance is pyrethrum poison!!

Feline unable to metabolize the pyrethrum, or any product which has this content. Pyrethrum is safe for dog, but not cat. So the most common situation is that O accidiently applied the wrong product to the cat.(Apply dog dewormer to cat)

The symptom include drooling, vomiting, anxiety, shaking, unable to stand up/walk properly, seizure, difficult to breath, and death.

So what shuld we do? Send to the animal hospital right away, this is a real urgent situation. The earlier treat it, the better prognosis.

How we treat it? We will trim the hair around applied area, bath the cat, sedate the patient if necessary, and give supportive treatment.
Most of case can recover within 2-3 days.

If your cats have similar contidion, please contact your family vet as soon as possible.





我們臨床上怎摸治療呢? 會把滴藥的地方剃毛剃掉,洗澡(把藥劑盡可能的洗掉),鎮靜(視情況)並給予支持治療,大部分的病例在2-3天內會恢復正常


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ANVH EP - 26 Pyrethrum poison on cat 除蟲菊中毒

Our team had received a phone call during the midnight, said that their cat start to stroking/cranking after applied the dewormer. 

Once Dr heard this scenario, instructed the O bring the cat immediately, because this case highly chance is pyrethrum poison!!

Feline unable to metabolize the pyrethrum, or any product which has this content. Pyrethrum is safe for dog, but not cat. So the most common situation is that O accidiently applied the wrong product to the cat.(Apply dog dewormer to cat)

The symptom include drooling, vomiting, anxiety, shaking, unable to stand up/walk properly, seizure, difficult to breath, and death.

So what shuld we do? Send to the animal hospital right away, this is a real urgent situation. The earlier treat it, the better prognosis. 

How we treat it? We will trim the hair around applied area, bath the cat, sedate the patient if necessary, and give supportive treatment. 
Most of case can recover within 2-3 days. 

If your cats have similar contidion, please contact your family vet as soon as possible. 





我們臨床上怎摸治療呢? 會把滴藥的地方剃毛剃掉,洗澡(把藥劑盡可能的洗掉),鎮靜(視情況)並給予支持治療,大部分的病例在2-3天內會恢復正常


#就多點劑量Image attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

ANVH EP - 25 Anal gland rupture 肛門腺破裂

"Dr.!! my dog's butt is bleeding!! and seems unable to poop!!"

Anal gland or anal sacs are a small gland located at 5 and 7 clock direction around anus. Anal gland havung a foul odor, usually need to be emptied every 2-3 month.

If you don't empty the anal gland regularly, it will cause inflammation/abscess or rupture eventually.

The clinical symptom will be scooting, licking it's bum area, you can see the bruise or abscess(this case)/redness and swollen around the skin; and constipation(too pain to poop)

How we treat it? If there's anal gland rupture, we need to sedate the patient, drain out the discharge and disinfect the wound, plus oral meds. Apply topical ointment and the lesion will be healed. For some severe cases, may need to do surgery to close the wound.

If your dog/cat have the similar symptom, please contact your family vet.
"醫生!! 我的狗屁股流血啦!!! 而且很像不敢大便捏!!"




我們怎摸治療呢? 如果肛門腺已經破裂,我們會鎮靜動物,然後清理/消毒傷口,藥膏局部治療加上口服藥消炎,通常5-7天內傷口會癒合;某些嚴重的case必續局部的縫合手術


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ANVH EP - 25 Anal gland rupture 肛門腺破裂

Dr.!! my dogs butt is bleeding!! and seems unable to poop!! 

Anal gland or anal sacs are a small gland located at 5 and 7 clock direction around anus. Anal gland havung a foul odor, usually need to be emptied every 2-3 month. 

If you dont empty the anal gland regularly, it will cause inflammation/abscess or rupture eventually. 

The clinical symptom will be scooting, licking its bum area, you can see the bruise or abscess(this case)/redness and swollen around the skin; and constipation(too pain to poop) 

How we treat it? If theres anal gland rupture, we need to sedate the patient, drain out the discharge and disinfect the wound, plus  oral meds. Apply topical ointment and the lesion will be healed. For some severe cases, may need to do surgery to close the wound. 

If your dog/cat have the similar symptom, please contact your family vet.  
醫生!! 我的狗屁股流血啦!!!  而且很像不敢大便捏!!




我們怎摸治療呢? 如果肛門腺已經破裂,我們會鎮靜動物,然後清理/消毒傷口,藥膏局部治療加上口服藥消炎,通常5-7天內傷口會癒合;某些嚴重的case必續局部的縫合手術


#但是仍然青春(遠目)Image attachmentImage attachment+3Image attachment

ANVH EP - 24 The difference between TW vet and CA vet

After years of practice in Canada, Dr have summerized the difference between TW vet and CA vet. Share with the owner who have lived in both countries.

1. Emergency cases: in CA, usually not that severe, but the owner is very sensitive, once notice that dog/cat is bit abnormal or discomfort, owner will bring the pet to hospital immediately; on the other hand, TW owner ususally wait until the pet is almost in shock/lethal condition, then bring to hospital, and ask is it really that severe? can't you just give it a shot and make it better?

2. Specialist system: In North America, vet has specialist system, so GP(general practice) can refer to specialist to consult the further complicated disease/conditions. So most GP in CA do routine surgery and preventive medication. And the specialist do the most complicated cases. This make the medical resource ditstribution unevenly.

3. The obedient of medical instruction: In CA, most of time owners will follow the Dr. instruction to finish the medication or when to come bacj for recheck. In TW, owners are more like stop the medication autimatically or no show the appointment.

4. Raw diet: In CA, owners are mouch more common to feed their dog air-dried/frozen dried, or commercial raw diet. And think the dry food/can food is unhealthy to the pet.

5. In house lab equipment: In CA, most GP doesn't have full in house lab equipment, either they have it but doesn't use or just have the basic one. They are more common send the sample out to reference lab, instead of in house examination. In TW, like a weapon competition, over 90% of animal hospital have full in house lab, plus many fancy toys.

6. Ecosystem of sales man: In CA, the sales man who want to sell hosital their new product or consumption, they only visit once, if you don't do business with them, then you will never see them again. But in TW, those sales man are very competitive, they keep visiting you until you buy something from them.

7. Code/Regulation of naming animal hospital: In CA, naming your own animal hospital has a strict rule, need to approved by CVBC, during this process, they will contact you and ask what's the meaning of the name, and you have to explain to them.

8. SPCA: In CA, SPCA has its authority, they can give owner a ticket, or even confiscate your pet under certain conditions. In TW, most time the SPCA can only persuasion ticket.

9. MR completeness: In CA, medical record need to be done as detail as possibile, almost like conversation transcript, every single words need to be recorded, specially what the owner said and what the Dr. said.

10. No GP open during the night time: In CA, most of hospital closed at 5-6pm, all evening appointment refer to emergency. In TW, most animal hospital openuntil 8-10pm. No counting as emergency.

Do you feel the difference as well? You can share your experience in the comment area.










9.病歷紀錄的完整性:在加拿大,病例幾乎要打成逐字稿,包括誰說了什麼/順序等等這些都要記錄下來,而且是個legal document


你也有感受到台加獸醫的不同嗎? 有想要分享or補充的歡迎寫在下面的comment

PS.The photo is a dog on weed, and get high, this is impossible happened in TW

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ANVH EP - 24 The difference between TW vet and CA vet

After years of practice in Canada, Dr have summerized the difference between TW vet and CA vet. Share with the owner who have lived in both countries.

1. Emergency cases: in CA, usually not that severe, but the owner is very sensitive, once notice that dog/cat is bit abnormal or discomfort, owner will bring the pet to hospital immediately; on the other hand, TW owner ususally wait until the pet is almost in shock/lethal condition, then bring to hospital, and ask is it really that severe? cant you just give it a shot and make it better? 

2. Specialist system: In North America, vet has specialist system, so GP(general practice) can refer to specialist to consult the further complicated disease/conditions. So most GP in CA do routine surgery and preventive medication. And the specialist do the most complicated cases. This make the medical resource ditstribution unevenly. 

3. The obedient of medical instruction: In CA, most of time owners will follow the Dr. instruction to finish the medication or when to come bacj for recheck. In TW, owners are more like stop the medication autimatically or no show the appointment.

4. Raw diet: In CA, owners are mouch more common to feed their dog air-dried/frozen dried, or commercial raw diet. And think the dry food/can food is unhealthy to the pet. 

5. In house lab equipment: In CA, most GP doesnt have full in house lab equipment, either they have it but doesnt use or just have the basic one. They are more common send the sample out to reference lab, instead of in house examination. In TW, like a weapon competition, over 90% of animal hospital have full in house lab, plus many fancy toys.

6. Ecosystem of sales man: In CA, the sales man who want to sell hosital their new product or consumption, they only visit once, if you dont do business with them, then you will never see them again. But in TW, those sales man are very competitive, they keep visiting you until you buy something from them. 

7. Code/Regulation of naming animal hospital: In CA, naming your own animal hospital has a strict rule, need to approved by CVBC, during this process, they will contact you and ask whats the meaning of the name, and you have to explain to them. 

8. SPCA: In CA, SPCA has its authority, they can give owner a ticket, or even confiscate your pet under certain conditions. In TW, most time the SPCA can only persuasion ticket.

9.  MR completeness: In CA, medical record need to be done as detail as possibile, almost like conversation transcript, every single words need to be recorded, specially what the owner said and what the Dr. said. 

10. No GP open during the night time: In CA, most of hospital closed at 5-6pm, all evening appointment refer to emergency. In TW, most animal hospital openuntil 8-10pm. No counting as emergency.    

Do you feel the difference as well? You can share your experience in the comment area.










9.病歷紀錄的完整性:在加拿大,病例幾乎要打成逐字稿,包括誰說了什麼/順序等等這些都要記錄下來,而且是個legal document


你也有感受到台加獸醫的不同嗎? 有想要分享or補充的歡迎寫在下面的comment

PS.The photo is a dog on weed, and get high, this is impossible happened in TW 

3 weeks ago

Dear valued owners,

We hope this message finds you well. As part of our continuous efforts to enhance our services and better understand the needs of our clientele, we are conducting a market research initiative. Your feedback and insights are invaluable to us in shaping the future of our services.

We kindly request a few moments of your time to complete a brief survey. Your responses will remain confidential and will only be used for the purposes of improving our offerings and customer experience. Your participation is entirely voluntary, but we sincerely appreciate your willingness to assist us in this endeavour.

To access the survey, please click on the following link: s.surveyplanet.com/j6kl9sfi

Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for your continued support and patronage. We look forward to hearing from you and using your input to better serve you and all our clients.

Warm regards,

A Niu Team







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Dear valued owners,

We hope this message finds you well. As part of our continuous efforts to enhance our services and better understand the needs of our clientele, we are conducting a market research initiative. Your feedback and insights are invaluable to us in shaping the future of our services.

We kindly request a few moments of your time to complete a brief survey. Your responses will remain confidential and will only be used for the purposes of improving our offerings and customer experience. Your participation is entirely voluntary, but we sincerely appreciate your willingness to assist us in this endeavour.

To access the survey, please click on the following link: https://s.surveyplanet.com/j6kl9sfi

Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for your continued support and patronage. We look forward to hearing from you and using your input to better serve you and all our clients.

Warm regards,

A Niu Team








ANVH EP23 - Tail Amputation.

Today's case is a bit bloody and painful.

It's a cat, who's tail stucked by the door and the cat trying to get rid of it. This kind of trauma we called "degloving" trauma. (Just like we removing the glove)
All soft tissue deprives from the bone. The result shows in the photo.

How we treat it? It need to be amputated, to prevent further infection. In this case, the trauma just happened, O brought the patient to hospital immedicately, so the surgical condition is relatively good.

After 20 mins, we amputated the tail and closed the wound.

If you have seen your dog/cat bone tissue expose outside of the soft tissue, then contact your family vet ASAP.

(想像我們脫手套一樣) 顧名思義,所有的軟組織從骨頭上剝離下來,只剩下骨頭暴露在外面

我們怎摸治療呢? 這需要截肢,來避免進一步的感染



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ANVH EP23 - Tail Amputation.

Todays case is a bit bloody and painful. 

Its a cat, whos tail stucked by the door and the cat trying to get rid of it. This kind of trauma we called degloving trauma. (Just like we removing the glove)
All soft tissue deprives from the bone. The result shows in the photo. 

How we treat it? It need to be amputated, to prevent further infection. In this case, the trauma just happened, O brought the patient to hospital immedicately, so the surgical condition is relatively good.

After 20 mins, we amputated the tail and closed the wound. 

If you have seen your dog/cat bone tissue expose outside of the soft tissue, then contact your family vet ASAP.  

(想像我們脫手套一樣) 顧名思義,所有的軟組織從骨頭上剝離下來,只剩下骨頭暴露在外面

我們怎摸治療呢? 這需要截肢,來避免進一步的感染



#or聖誕夜驚魂的傑克Image attachmentImage attachment+4Image attachment

ANVH EP22 - Dental fistula (齒槽漏管)

Dr!! My dog's face is swollen!!

If your dog has facial swollen on and off, the lesion right under the lower eyelid, and has bad teeth. Then your dog may have this issue.

Dental(teeth) fistula ususally happened on senior dogs and cats, facial swollen right under the lower eyelid. The caused usually related to bad teeth, the molar/premolar has rotten teeth root, the bacteria go upward through the soft tissue, sometimes even penerate it and forimg a hole. You can see the oral cavity from the face directly.

How we treat it? We will sedate the patient, clean the wound throughly, but the most important thing is extracting the rotten teeth, disinfect the lesion and close it properly.

Surgery + oral medication + put the cone on(cause the lesion is on the face, the patient will try to scratch for sure)

That's one of the biggest reason why we need to do dental cleaning annually, to prevent this condition happened.

If you suspect your dog/cat has similar issue, please contact your family vet immediately.
醫生!! 我的狗臉腫起來啦!!!!!



那我們怎摸治療呢? 剃毛清創,但重點是把那根爛牙拔掉,然後把瘺管(口腔通到顏面的管道)關閉



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ANVH EP22 - Dental fistula (齒槽漏管)

Dr!! My dogs face is swollen!!

If your dog has facial swollen on and off, the lesion right under the lower eyelid, and has bad teeth. Then your dog may have this issue.

Dental(teeth) fistula ususally happened on senior dogs and cats, facial swollen right under the lower eyelid. The caused usually related to bad teeth, the molar/premolar has rotten teeth root, the bacteria go upward through the soft tissue, sometimes even penerate it and forimg a hole. You can see the oral cavity from the face directly.

How we treat it? We will sedate the patient, clean the wound throughly, but the most important thing is extracting the rotten teeth, disinfect the lesion and close it properly. 

Surgery + oral medication + put the cone on(cause the lesion is on the face, the patient will try to scratch for sure)

Thats one of the biggest reason why we need to do dental cleaning annually, to prevent this condition happened.

If you suspect your dog/cat has similar issue, please contact your family vet immediately. 
醫生!! 我的狗臉腫起來啦!!!!!



那我們怎摸治療呢? 剃毛清創,但重點是把那根爛牙拔掉,然後把瘺管(口腔通到顏面的管道)關閉



#臉書不要祖我血腥圖喔Image attachmentImage attachment

ANVH EP21 - Magic bladder

This photo is a patient that had frequently urinating issue for long time. After ultrasound examination, found plenty of crystal occupied the bladder, and the dog is merely 2yrs old.

Discuss with owner the treatment paln, adjust the diet. Recheck in a month. And then the magic happened. All crystal are gone!!

In dog and cat, there are thre common bladder crystal/stone: Struvite, Cystine and Urate, Calcium Oxalate.

Through urine analysis, and differenciate which type of crystal/stone is, and give the correct treatment plan.

In this case, luckly is the soluble struvite, with proper diet managent, dog can avoid a bladder surgery.

If you have the similar problem with your pet, pleas econtact your family vet immedicately, the earlier receive the treatment, the better prognosis.




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ANVH EP21 - Magic bladder 

This photo is a patient that had frequently urinating issue for long time. After ultrasound examination, found plenty of crystal occupied the bladder, and the dog is merely 2yrs old. 

Discuss with owner the treatment paln, adjust the diet. Recheck in a month. And then the magic happened. All crystal are gone!! 

In dog and cat, there are thre common bladder crystal/stone: Struvite, Cystine and Urate, Calcium Oxalate. 

Through urine analysis, and differenciate which type of crystal/stone is, and give the correct treatment plan.

In this case, luckly is the soluble struvite, with proper diet managent, dog can avoid a bladder surgery.
If you have the similar problem with your pet, pleas econtact your family vet immedicately, the earlier receive the treatment, the better prognosis. 




#這狗叫包柏Image attachment

ANVH EP20 - Heart disease

Today we would like to share the case of cardiovascular issue - heart disease.

The heart disease is the huge topic, very complicated and comprehensive. It's one the speciality of veterinary medicine. It get involved lots organs and factors which will affect the cardiovascular system.

This dog had a history of heart disease, and currently on medication control for period of times. One night owner found the dog sat on the floor, and looks weird gesture, seems like meditation, but with rapid breathing pattern.

When Dr saw the video, ask the owner to bring the dog to hospital right away, cause this is the typical "Neck breathing".
Which means lots of fluid accumulate in the lung or thoracic cavity, then dog the will find a position to assist breathing better. That why the dog will extend the neck, instead of lay down(will compress the chest cavity, let the breathing more difficult).

Lung edema(body fluid accumulate inside the lung) is the first compensation sign of left heart faliure. And theis symptom need to be corrected immediately.(Imagine that you are in a pool and drowning) Long term of oxygen deficiency will lead the non-reversible damage and breathing failure.

This type of patient need oxygen support + medication get involved + further diagnostics + diet control

Hope this little hairy friend can have a good quality of life.

If you have noticed your dog/cat has this symptom, contact your family vet immediately. This is not that something will go away automatically/eventually. The eariler medicine get involved, the better prognosis.




這種case需要氧氣室 + 藥物介入治療 + 做其他的檢查確認原因是什麼 + 飲食控制(低鈉飲食)



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ANVH EP20 - Heart disease

Today we would like to share the case of cardiovascular issue - heart disease.

The heart disease is the huge topic, very complicated and comprehensive. Its one the speciality of veterinary medicine. It get involved lots organs and factors which will affect the cardiovascular system. 

This dog had a history of heart disease, and currently on medication control for period of times. One night owner found the dog sat on the floor, and looks weird gesture, seems like meditation, but with rapid breathing pattern. 

When Dr saw the video, ask the owner to bring the dog to hospital right away, cause this is the typical Neck breathing. 
Which means lots of fluid accumulate in the lung or thoracic cavity, then dog the will find a position to assist breathing better. That why the dog will extend the neck, instead of lay down(will compress the chest cavity, let the breathing more difficult).

Lung edema(body fluid accumulate inside the lung) is the first compensation sign of left heart faliure. And theis symptom need to be corrected immediately.(Imagine that you are in a pool and drowning) Long term of oxygen deficiency will lead the non-reversible damage and breathing failure.

This type of patient need oxygen support + medication get involved + further diagnostics + diet control 

Hope this little hairy friend can have a good quality of life.

If you have noticed your dog/cat has this symptom, contact your family vet immediately. This is not that something will go away automatically/eventually. The eariler medicine get involved, the better prognosis. 




這種case需要氧氣室 + 藥物介入治療 + 做其他的檢查確認原因是什麼 + 飲食控制(低鈉飲食)



#去看巧虎好朋友好了Image attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

Dr. Chiu deicde to put some photos that related to the Vet daily life, to let general public more familiar with what/how we do in our general daily life. Will change the content time to time. Feel free to leave the comment below of the album if you have any questions.


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Dr. Chiu deicde to put some photos that related to the Vet daily life, to let general public more familiar with what/how we do in our general daily life. Will change the content time to time. Feel free to leave the comment below of the album if you have any questions.


#都是演算法的問題Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

ANVH EP19 - Ingrown nails

Dr.!! my cat is limping!!

Ingrown nail means the nail overgrowth, then stab back into the digit.Nails of dog and cat are curved. If they are not trimmed regularly, will lean to this situation.) Every steps the patient move, will press the paw pad, cause painful reaction.

How we treat it? It depends on how severe/deep if the ingrown nail. We will traim the nail, remove the debris from the paw. May or may not suture the wound, if so, the patient need to be sedated.

This case is cat with 1st digit(thumb) nail ingrown. Glad the little patient is a very calm and cooperative., So we don't have to sedate the animal.

With triming the nail + cleaning the wound + oral meds + put the cone on, the nail recovers very well. One week later, you can see the new nail has been grown, the lesion on the paw need couple weeks to recover. But it will be fine.

Please trim your dog/cat nail every 1-2 weeks, if there's ingrown nail or any other abnormality noticed, please contact your familiy vet asap.

該怎摸治療呢? 跟不同的嚴重程度/深度有所不同,我們會把倒插的指甲剪掉,傷口消毒,然後是情況看需不需要手術縫合,如果要的話動物就必須鎮靜了



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ANVH EP19 - Ingrown nails

Dr.!! my cat is limping!! 

Ingrown nail means the nail overgrowth, then stab back into the digit.Nails of dog and cat are curved.  If they are not trimmed regularly, will lean to this situation.) Every steps the patient move, will press the paw pad, cause painful reaction. 

How we treat it? It depends on how severe/deep if the ingrown nail. We will traim the nail, remove the debris from the paw. May or may not suture the wound, if so, the patient need to be sedated.  

This case is cat with 1st digit(thumb) nail ingrown. Glad the little patient is a very calm and cooperative., So we dont have to sedate the animal. 

With triming the nail + cleaning the wound + oral meds + put the cone on, the nail recovers very well. One week later, you can see the new nail has been grown, the lesion on the paw need couple weeks to recover. But it will be fine.

Please trim your dog/cat nail every 1-2 weeks, if theres ingrown nail or any other abnormality noticed, please contact your familiy vet asap.  
該怎摸治療呢? 跟不同的嚴重程度/深度有所不同,我們會把倒插的指甲剪掉,傷口消毒,然後是情況看需不需要手術縫合,如果要的話動物就必須鎮靜了



#開箱文下次見Image attachmentImage attachment+3Image attachment

ANVH EP18 - Squinting eyes

Dr.!! my dog's eye unable to open!!
Squinting eyes, with lots of discharge is very common on dogs and cats, could be single eye or both eyes. There are multiple causes of squinting eyes. could due to infection, inflammation, allergy, trauma, after grooming, etc.

When we see the patient with squinting eyes, we will start the visual exam, is it ymmetrical or unilateral? How the appearance looks like? Is the dog still eating/drinking well? Still playful? Is it affect the vision? Any possibilities of trauma?(play with another dog, or came back from boarding) Groom the dog recently? Any abnormality noticed?

Usually, we can find something based on owner's description. Then we start the physical exam. We will open the eyelid to check conjunctiva to see is it redness or swollen? The completeness of the eyeball(cornea) structure? Any suspect wounds or lesions around the eye?

This case is cornea ulcer, the surface of eyeball has a small pocket lesion, may due to the dog scratching. The whole eyeball just like a crystal ball with fluid in it. Cornea ulcer just like a scratch lesion on the glass ball. The pathogen will get into the eye through the lesion. So we use a test called flurorescent stain, let Dr. to differenciate how deep and wide of the trauma get involved.

The photo is before and after 2 weeks of treatment, you can tell at the begining the green dye in the middle of the eyeball; and 2 weeks later, it shows mild stain reaction. Which means the cornea is healing.

In general, cornea ulcer need several weeks, even months to recover. So owner's cooperation is very, very important.

Oral medication + multiple eyedrops + cone on = good prognosis.

Any suspect eye infection, trauma, squinting eye, please contact your family vet immediately. The sooner start the treatment, the shorter recover period.
醫生!!!! 我的狗/貓眼睛打不開啦!!!!


當我們看這樣的病患的時候,會先從遠距離視診,觀察是對稱還是單側? 外觀看起來怎麼樣? 同時詢問主人動物精神活力好嗎? 有沒有影響視力?有任何創傷的機會嗎?(跟狗玩,剛寄宿回來),最近有沒有洗澡?(洗劑流進眼睛),或者其他異常的症狀

通常都可以從主人的描述跟視診中發現些什麼,接著我們會輕微地翻開上下眼瞼,看一下眼白的部分是否腫脹,充血? 外觀是否完整? 眼睛周遭有沒有明顯的傷口等等





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ANVH EP18 - Squinting eyes

Dr.!! my dogs eye unable to open!! 
Squinting eyes, with lots of discharge is very common on dogs and cats, could be single eye or both eyes. There are multiple causes of squinting eyes. could due to infection, inflammation, allergy, trauma, after grooming, etc.

When we see the patient with squinting eyes, we will start the visual exam, is it ymmetrical or unilateral? How the appearance looks like? Is the dog still eating/drinking well? Still playful? Is it affect the vision? Any possibilities of trauma?(play with another dog, or came back from boarding) Groom the dog recently? Any abnormality noticed?  

Usually, we can find something based on owners description. Then we start the physical exam. We will open the eyelid to check conjunctiva to see is it redness or swollen? The completeness of the eyeball(cornea) structure? Any suspect wounds or lesions around the eye?

This case is cornea ulcer, the surface of eyeball has a small pocket lesion, may due to the dog scratching. The whole eyeball just like a crystal ball with fluid in it. Cornea ulcer just like a scratch lesion on the glass ball. The pathogen will get into the eye through the lesion. So we use a test called flurorescent stain, let Dr. to differenciate how deep and wide of the trauma get involved.  

The photo is before and after 2 weeks of treatment, you can tell at the begining the green dye in the middle of the eyeball; and 2 weeks later, it shows mild stain reaction. Which means the cornea is healing. 

In general, cornea ulcer need several weeks, even months to recover. So owners cooperation is very, very important. 

Oral medication + multiple eyedrops + cone on = good prognosis.

Any suspect eye infection, trauma, squinting eye, please contact your family vet immediately. The sooner start the treatment, the shorter recover period.
醫生!!!!  我的狗/貓眼睛打不開啦!!!!


當我們看這樣的病患的時候,會先從遠距離視診,觀察是對稱還是單側? 外觀看起來怎麼樣? 同時詢問主人動物精神活力好嗎? 有沒有影響視力?有任何創傷的機會嗎?(跟狗玩,剛寄宿回來),最近有沒有洗澡?(洗劑流進眼睛),或者其他異常的症狀

通常都可以從主人的描述跟視診中發現些什麼,接著我們會輕微地翻開上下眼瞼,看一下眼白的部分是否腫脹,充血? 外觀是否完整? 眼睛周遭有沒有明顯的傷口等等





#因為是台語Image attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

ANVH EP17 - Induce vomiting(Food poison)

We had 2 cases for inducing vomiting this month, both are dogs, they ate sponge foam and ant repellent separately.

How we handle this kind of case? Usually we will calm the owner first and ask what/when(ate what? when to eat?) For most cases, the most substance injest within 40-60 minutes, can inducing vomitiing. Because within this time frame, the substance still stay inside the stomach, so inducing vomiting can expel out most toxicants and content.

There are several ways to induce vomiting, in hospital, vets will inject medication or feed 3% hydrogen peroxide(roughly 1ml/kg).

However, not every thing can be induced, such chemical reagent(strong acid/alkine), sharp stuff, animal is unconscious, or weak body condition, etc. May have the chance to cause secondary trauma.

If you suspect that your dog/cat ate something thery shouldn't, contact your family vet ASAP.

動物醫院通常怎摸處理這種病患呢? 我們通常會先請主人冷靜,詢問吃了什麼/什麼時候吃的? 通常誤食異物在40-60分鐘內,可以進行催吐(因為這時候大部分的異物仍停留在胃裡,進行催吐可以把胃部的東西全部排空)




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ANVH EP17 - Induce vomiting(Food poison)

We had 2 cases for inducing vomiting this month, both are dogs, they ate sponge foam and ant repellent separately.

How we handle this kind of case? Usually we will calm the owner first and ask what/when(ate what? when to eat?) For most cases, the most substance injest within 40-60 minutes, can inducing vomitiing. Because within this time frame, the substance still stay inside the stomach, so inducing vomiting can expel out most toxicants and content. 

There are several ways to induce vomiting, in hospital, vets will inject medication or feed 3% hydrogen peroxide(roughly 1ml/kg). 

However, not every thing can be induced, such chemical reagent(strong acid/alkine), sharp stuff, animal is unconscious, or weak body condition, etc. May have the chance to cause secondary trauma. 

If you suspect that your dog/cat ate something thery shouldnt, contact your family vet ASAP.  

動物醫院通常怎摸處理這種病患呢? 我們通常會先請主人冷靜,詢問吃了什麼/什麼時候吃的? 通常誤食異物在40-60分鐘內,可以進行催吐(因為這時候大部分的異物仍停留在胃裡,進行催吐可以把胃部的東西全部排空)




#還是交給獸醫師去判斷怎摸做是最佳解法Image attachmentImage attachment+5Image attachment

ANVH EP16 - FLUTD(blockage cat)

Today's topic is the FLUTD - Feline Lower Uniary Tract Disease
Usually happened on male, neutered, fat cat. (Cause the uniary tract is much more narrower than common cat)

Initial symptom would be like: frequently urinating, but small amount each time, moaning while peeing, hematuria(blood in pee), to very severe kidney failure condition. If you have noticed the cat these behavior, please contact your vet ASAP.

How we treat it? We will start from the physical examination, palpate the bladder to feel the size, texture and the cat reaction. And US scan can tell us is it bladder inflammation(cystitis)? is there any sand/crystal/stone inside the bladder? For some severe cases, the patient need to be sedated and put the uniary catheter to drain out all urine. To make sure all the urine has been expelled out.

Complete blockage is an emergency condition!!! If the paitent unable to pee, the toxicant will reabsorb into the body, then cause uremia(post-renal kidney failure). Also, most of blockage cats have hyperpotassium(toxicant to heart). Combine these two conditions, cat life is in danger.

For patients like this issue, we need:
1. oral medication to control the infection or inflammation
2. switch to prescription diet
3. reduce the stress in the environment
4. clinical procedure on those severe cases.

Please contact your vet if you need further assistance


我們怎摸處理這類的case? 我們會從理學檢查開始,試著觸診膀胱的大小,軟硬,然後觀察貓的反應;然後超音波掃描可以有效的幫助分辨是不是有細砂/結晶/結石or膀胱發炎程度,來決定我們接下來做的治療

完全的尿路阻塞是致命的!! 如果動物完全沒辦法排尿,尿液中的毒素會重吸收造成尿毒症(腎後性的腎衰竭),同時尿路阻塞的病患也會有高血鉀的問題(心臟毒性),總合這兩種狀況,貓的尿路阻塞是一個需要馬上處理的急診



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ANVH EP16 - FLUTD(blockage cat)

Todays topic is the FLUTD - Feline Lower Uniary Tract Disease
Usually happened on male, neutered, fat cat. (Cause the uniary tract is much more narrower than common cat)   

Initial symptom would be like: frequently urinating, but small amount each time, moaning while peeing, hematuria(blood in pee), to very severe kidney failure condition. If you have noticed the cat these behavior, please contact your vet ASAP.

How we treat it? We will start from the physical examination, palpate the bladder to feel the size, texture and the cat reaction. And US scan can tell us is it bladder inflammation(cystitis)? is there any sand/crystal/stone inside the bladder? For some severe cases, the patient need to be sedated and put the uniary catheter to drain out all urine. To make sure all the urine has been expelled out.

Complete blockage is an emergency condition!!! If the paitent unable to pee, the toxicant will reabsorb into the body, then cause uremia(post-renal kidney failure). Also, most of blockage cats have hyperpotassium(toxicant to heart). Combine these two conditions, cat life is in danger.

For patients like this issue, we need: 
1. oral medication to control the infection or inflammation
2. switch to prescription diet
3. reduce the stress in the environment
4. clinical procedure on those severe cases.

Please contact your vet if you need further assistance


我們怎摸處理這類的case? 我們會從理學檢查開始,試著觸診膀胱的大小,軟硬,然後觀察貓的反應;然後超音波掃描可以有效的幫助分辨是不是有細砂/結晶/結石or膀胱發炎程度,來決定我們接下來做的治療

完全的尿路阻塞是致命的!! 如果動物完全沒辦法排尿,尿液中的毒素會重吸收造成尿毒症(腎後性的腎衰竭),同時尿路阻塞的病患也會有高血鉀的問題(心臟毒性),總合這兩種狀況,貓的尿路阻塞是一個需要馬上處理的急診



#thisiswhatwedowhoweareImage attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

ANVH EP15 - Hypoglycemia

Today we gonna share a case of "Puppy/Kitten Hypoglycemia"(blood glucose level too low)

For adults(including human and pets), we usually feel dizzy or less strength when we feel hungry, so we just go eat something, then the feeling will gone, once the body get enough supply. However, for those young puppy/kitten, are totally different story.
Hypoglycemia in infant dog may cause altered mentation and behavior, seizures, syncope, muscle twitching, exercise intolerance, muscle tremors, collapse, ataxia and extremely weakness. This problem is lethal to the puppy/kitten.

How we prevent hypoglcemia?
1.For puppy/kitten, "Feed them!!" Make sure animal ingest sufficient calories and glucose. Puppy/Kitten should be fed 4-6 meals per day(total amount are the same, but differenciate into 4-6 times, you can reach your family vet to confirm the how much amount should be fed)
2.Keep the environment warm and clean
3.For emergency situation, can feed small amount of honey, smear on the gumline, but that's only for temporary, still need to send to the hospital ASAP

At this age of puppy/kitten, the body weight should be gained EVERYDAY. If pets eating/drinking well but doesn't gain any weight, definitely something wrong, contact your vet.

Hope the puppy can growth up smooth and peacefully. The owner is doing a great job to take care it.



1. 餵飽他!! 小幼幼一天至少要餵4-6餐,(總量不變但是分成4-6餐餵,有些賣家說只需要一天吃2餐是錯誤的,成犬才可以只吃兩餐)確保動物有涉入足夠的熱量跟糖分,你可以跟你的家庭醫師聯絡諮詢應該餵多少量的食物



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ANVH EP15 - Hypoglycemia 

Today we gonna share a case of Puppy/Kitten Hypoglycemia(blood glucose level too low)

For adults(including human and pets), we usually feel dizzy or less strength when we feel hungry, so we just go eat something, then the feeling will gone, once the body get enough supply. However, for those young puppy/kitten, are totally different story. 
Hypoglycemia in infant dog may cause altered mentation and behavior, seizures, syncope, muscle twitching, exercise intolerance, muscle tremors, collapse, ataxia and extremely weakness. This problem is lethal to the puppy/kitten.

How we prevent hypoglcemia? 
1.For puppy/kitten, Feed them!! Make sure animal ingest sufficient calories and glucose. Puppy/Kitten should be fed 4-6 meals per day(total amount are the same, but differenciate into 4-6 times, you can reach your family vet to confirm the how much amount should be fed)
2.Keep the environment warm and clean
3.For emergency situation, can feed small amount of honey, smear on the gumline, but thats only for temporary, still need to send to the hospital ASAP

At this age of puppy/kitten, the body weight should be gained EVERYDAY. If pets eating/drinking well but doesnt gain any weight, definitely something wrong, contact your vet. 

Hope the puppy can growth up smooth and peacefully. The owner is doing a great job to take care it.



 1. 餵飽他!! 小幼幼一天至少要餵4-6餐,(總量不變但是分成4-6餐餵,有些賣家說只需要一天吃2餐是錯誤的,成犬才可以只吃兩餐)確保動物有涉入足夠的熱量跟糖分,你可以跟你的家庭醫師聯絡諮詢應該餵多少量的食物



#溝追嘎Image attachmentImage attachment

ANVH EP14 - Spay and neuter

Today's topic is about the spay and neuter. The defination of spay and neuter is that we remove the internal sexual organ(ovary and uterus in female, testicle in male), and make the pet neutralized. What's the pros and cons? The only drawback is that pet unbale to breed anymore.

So why every vet always recommend spay and neuter? The main reason is that spay and neuter can prevent lots of illness in dogs and cats. What kind illness you are talking about? For female, many gynecological disease such pyometra(pus full of uterus due to infection), ovary cyst, endometritis, mammary gland tumor, etc. For male, prostatic hyperplasia, then cause cystitis, difficulty urinating, constipation, perianal gland tumor, etc.

And these kind of disease usually happened above 6-7 years old. Then how we treat it? We still perform the spay and neuter surgery. But compare to the pets were young, the risk, surgery fee, complication rate, recovery period...are all much more higher/longer than routine spay/neuter surgery.

If you ask a vet, should I spay/neuter my dog? I would say the only reason that you don't do the surgery is because you want to breed them, otherwise, perform spay/neuter surgery is fit the best interest of your hairy partner.

Does you pet spay/neuter yet? If not, go to consult with your family vet ASAP.

"The photo is the case of perianal gland tumor, is a 21 years old male dog. We perform the neuter surgery, so the size of tumor redecue to 1/3, cause testerone is the main role of this tumor. Remove testicle, without hormone stimulation, the tumor shrinkage"
那手術與否到底有什麼好處跟壞處呢? 我想唯一的壞處就是,這動物無法在生育後代了



那我到底該不該絕育呢? 你如果問我,我的回答是唯一不絕育的理由,就是你想要讓他有後代,不然都是盡早絕育,才比較符合動物的最大福祉



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ANVH EP14 - Spay and neuter

Todays topic is about the spay and neuter. The defination of spay and neuter is that we remove the internal sexual organ(ovary and uterus in female, testicle in male), and make the pet neutralized. Whats the pros and cons? The only drawback is that pet unbale to breed anymore. 

So why every vet always recommend spay and neuter? The main reason is that spay and neuter can prevent lots of illness in dogs and cats. What kind illness you are talking about? For female, many gynecological disease such pyometra(pus full of uterus due to infection), ovary cyst, endometritis, mammary gland tumor, etc. For male, prostatic hyperplasia, then cause cystitis, difficulty urinating, constipation, perianal gland tumor, etc. 

And these kind of disease usually happened above 6-7 years old. Then how we treat it? We still perform the spay and neuter surgery. But compare to the pets were young, the risk, surgery fee, complication rate, recovery period...are all much more higher/longer than routine spay/neuter surgery.

If you ask a vet, should I spay/neuter my dog? I would say the only reason that you dont do the surgery is because you want to breed them, otherwise, perform spay/neuter surgery is fit the best interest of your hairy partner.  

Does you pet spay/neuter yet? If not, go to consult with your family vet ASAP. 

The photo is the case of perianal gland tumor, is a 21 years old male dog. We perform the neuter surgery, so the size of tumor redecue to 1/3, cause testerone is the main role of this tumor. Remove testicle, without hormone stimulation, the tumor shrinkage
那手術與否到底有什麼好處跟壞處呢? 我想唯一的壞處就是,這動物無法在生育後代了



那我到底該不該絕育呢? 你如果問我,我的回答是唯一不絕育的理由,就是你想要讓他有後代,不然都是盡早絕育,才比較符合動物的最大福祉


#Roadrunner裡面的火箭郊狼一樣快Image attachment

ANVH EP13 - prenatal check up(pregnancy exam)

What!! The dog need prenatal check up as well?

Yes, it is. The average time of puppy/kitten birth is around 58-63 days, roughly 2 months. Prenatal check up can effectively prevent the change of dystocia(difficult to birth)

So what kind exam need to be done during prenatal exam?
The answer is Ultrasound and X-ray
On each check up, Dr will use ultrasound to measure the head distance to calculate the age and then evaluate the date of birth.
X-ray will be taken after 50-52 days, to confirm how many puppy/kitten in side the belly.

Also, Dr will check monther's healthy status, let the owner understand what's the scenario may facing to. Most importantly, when is the delivery date.

Just like humanbeings, regular prenatal check up is necessory and very important. Please consult your vet if you have a pregnant pet but never been to prenatal exam.





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ANVH EP13 - prenatal check up(pregnancy exam) 

What!! The dog need prenatal check up as well? 

Yes, it is. The average time of puppy/kitten birth is around 58-63 days, roughly 2 months. Prenatal check up can effectively prevent the change of dystocia(difficult to birth)

So what kind exam need to be done during prenatal exam?
The answer is Ultrasound and X-ray
On each check up, Dr will use ultrasound to measure the head distance to calculate the age and then evaluate the date of birth.
X-ray will be taken after 50-52 days, to confirm how many puppy/kitten in side the belly.

Also, Dr will check monthers healthy status, let the owner understand whats the scenario may facing to. Most importantly, when is the delivery date. 

Just like humanbeings, regular prenatal check up is necessory and very important. Please consult your vet if you have a pregnant pet but never been to prenatal exam.





#像房仲專家一樣Image attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

ANVH EP12 - Case documentary

This documentary is made by Nvidstudio
When I was a kid, I really like those documentary in discovery or animal planet. Now, this is our first case documentary.
Our team is so glad that the patient has improved his quality of life.
Because this is what we do, who we are.
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4 months ago

ANVH EP11 - Why dental cleaning is so important?

There's lots of owner ask the quote for dental cleaning recently. Let me explain why regular dental cleaning is so improtant, and why usually expensive than common neuter/spay surgery?
Dental cleaning on dogs/cats are different from human. We use the similar equipment for the cleaning, however, the pets won't staystill for 20-30 mins to allow us do the cleaning. So when we do the dental cleaning, they need anesthesia; when mention to anesthesia, it means we need to do blood work, intubation, monitor the patient until it wake up. We consider dental cleaning in dog/cat as a surgery, not merely a "dental cleaning"
Further more, we usually spend more time on dental cleaning than common routine surgery. Because we need to confirm each teeth is still healthy? Is it loose? Does it need extraction? If the answer is yes, then we need to suture the extraction wound or do more minor surgery in oral cavity. So the time spend on the dental surgery can be various. It could be between 20-30min to 1.5hours. That's why there's a range on the quote. Some situation may actually noticed after we sedated the patient and exam the mouth.
What if I don't do the dental cleaning? Those residues/substance/baterica/saliva will mix together and form a cover we called dental tartar on the surface of crowns. If we ignore it, it will stimulate the gum and cause inflammation, developed to periodontist. Some severe cases may even have complication such as dental fistula(a whole penerate through between teeth root and facial bone), or cause septcemia(bacteria get into blood circulation).
So how about the non-anesthesia dental cleaning? I have seen that in some grooming pet store.
Well, when we do dental cleaning in vet hospital, it means we will sedate the pet, and use the equipment to clean the surface and pocket between the gum and the teeth body. Pet won't allow you to do that if we don't sedate it. For grooming non-anesthesia dental cleaning, visually, it cleans a bit. But actually it doesn't help a lot for the teeth health.
Then how I maintain the teeth health?
I would say couple tips for the owner:
1.Brush the teeth every day
2.Do dental cleaning every 1-2 years
3.Do not feed anything the pet shouldn't eat
There's nothing can replace the regular dental cleaning in animal hospital, not the grooming nor the dental treats.
那我不洗牙會怎摸樣? 長時間的不做清潔,那些細菌/食物殘渣/唾液等等的混合物會形成牙結石附著在牙齒表面上,輕則引法口臭,牙齦發炎,牙周病;嚴重的會造成齒槽漏管(牙根蛀穿到顏面骨頭)or全身性的敗血症(細菌進到血液循環),到時候怎摸處理? 還是手術,而且風險/費用會遠比一般洗牙要來的高
那無麻醉洗牙呢? 我看有些寵物美容在做
#ANVH #aniuveterinaryhospital #richmondbc
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ANVH EP11 - Why dental cleaning is so important?

Theres lots of owner ask the quote for dental cleaning recently. Let me explain why regular dental cleaning is so improtant, and why usually expensive than common neuter/spay surgery? 
Dental cleaning on dogs/cats are different from human. We use the similar equipment for the cleaning, however, the pets wont staystill for 20-30 mins to allow us do the cleaning. So when we do the dental cleaning, they need anesthesia; when mention to anesthesia, it means we need to do blood work, intubation, monitor the patient until it wake up. We consider dental cleaning in dog/cat as a surgery, not merely a dental cleaning
Further more, we usually spend more time on dental cleaning than common routine surgery. Because we need to confirm each teeth is still healthy? Is it loose? Does it need extraction? If the answer is yes, then we need to suture the extraction wound or do more minor surgery in oral cavity. So the time spend on the dental surgery can be various. It could be between 20-30min to 1.5hours. Thats why theres a range on the quote. Some situation may actually noticed after we sedated the patient and exam the mouth.
What if I dont do the dental cleaning? Those residues/substance/baterica/saliva will mix together and form a cover we called dental tartar on the surface of crowns. If we ignore it, it will stimulate the gum and cause inflammation, developed to periodontist. Some severe cases may even have complication such as dental fistula(a whole penerate through between teeth root and facial bone), or cause septcemia(bacteria get into blood circulation).
So how about the non-anesthesia dental cleaning? I have seen that in some grooming pet store.
Well, when we do dental cleaning in vet hospital, it means we will sedate the pet, and use the equipment to clean the surface and pocket between the gum and the teeth body. Pet wont allow you to do that if we dont sedate it. For grooming non-anesthesia dental cleaning, visually, it cleans a bit. But actually it doesnt help a lot for the teeth health.
Then how I maintain the teeth health?
I would say couple tips for the owner:
1.Brush the teeth every day
2.Do dental cleaning every 1-2 years
3.Do not feed anything the pet shouldnt eat
Theres nothing can replace the regular dental cleaning in animal hospital, not the grooming nor the dental treats. 
那我不洗牙會怎摸樣? 長時間的不做清潔,那些細菌/食物殘渣/唾液等等的混合物會形成牙結石附著在牙齒表面上,輕則引法口臭,牙齦發炎,牙周病;嚴重的會造成齒槽漏管(牙根蛀穿到顏面骨頭)or全身性的敗血症(細菌進到血液循環),到時候怎摸處理? 還是手術,而且風險/費用會遠比一般洗牙要來的高
那無麻醉洗牙呢? 我看有些寵物美容在做
#ANVH #aniuveterinaryhospital #richmondbc

ANVH EP10 - Case share - senior dog anesthesia

Today's case share is one of my best friend's dog. It is a very special experience of anesthesia. Ballu, a "20 Years old" dashund, had perianal tumor hx for couple months. Also got very horrible teeth condition. The dog was declined by several animal hospitals in Toronto due to the age. My friend contact me and ask me can I do it? I said go get the echo report first and we will see.
The echo report shows the dog got:
Degenerative mitral valve disease (ACVIM stage B1)
Mild pulmonary hypertension
Mild aortic insufficiency
---> generally speaking is that the patient cardiovascular system has some functional degeneration, but overall is ok to take anesthesia. But, be careful the medication and protocol you selected.
Surprisingly the body condition still very well. Blood work shows mild anemia, major organ function has no significant finding.
After discuss with owner, he deicde to let the dog perform surgery.
Even though the echo report and blood work indicate the patient can take the anesthesia, as a clinical practitioner, we know this is a tough challenge. After we give the premed, the dog looks like gone. HR drop to 30(NR range 80-120), spO2 drop to 65%(NR range>98%) BP only shows sys 80(NR range 120-150) and we just give it 30% of the total amount
After our medical managent, everything back to NR, and we finished the surgery and dental cleaning(extract 12 teeth). The dog recover successfully. I am very surprised by it's energy.
We just open less than 2 weeks and we already done anesthesia for 3 very senior patient(all of them are above 14 years old). It is so crazy. Thanks for the team to support the surgery. Hope Ballu can go back to happy life and eat/drink whatever he likes.
我朋友於是聯繫上我,問我有沒有搞頭? 我說先去掃個心超,我們在研究看看,心超掃完後結果是瓣膜退行性的心臟病(stage B1),輕微肺高壓跟主動脈灌流不足...白話文就是老了,可以麻醉,但是要很小心麻醉藥物的選擇跟使用
#ANVH #animalhospital
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ANVH EP10 - Case share - senior dog anesthesia

Todays case share is one of my best friends dog. It is a very special experience of anesthesia. Ballu, a 20 Years old dashund, had perianal tumor hx for couple months. Also got very horrible teeth condition. The dog was declined by several animal hospitals in Toronto due to the age. My friend contact me and ask me can I do it? I said go get the echo report first and we will see.  
The echo report shows the dog got:
Degenerative mitral valve disease (ACVIM stage B1)
Mild pulmonary hypertension
Mild aortic insufficiency
---> generally speaking is that the patient cardiovascular system has some functional degeneration, but overall is ok to take anesthesia. But, be careful the medication and protocol you selected.
Surprisingly the body condition still very well. Blood work shows mild anemia, major organ function has no significant finding.
After discuss with owner, he deicde to let the dog perform surgery.
Even though the echo report and blood work indicate the patient can take the anesthesia, as a clinical practitioner, we know this is a tough challenge.  After we give the premed, the dog looks like gone. HR drop to 30(NR range 80-120), spO2 drop to 65%(NR range>98%) BP only shows sys 80(NR range 120-150) and we just give it 30% of the total amount
After our medical managent, everything back to NR, and we finished the surgery and dental cleaning(extract 12 teeth). The dog recover successfully. I am very surprised by its energy.
We just open less than 2 weeks and we already done anesthesia for 3 very senior patient(all of them are above 14 years old). It is so crazy. Thanks for the team to support the surgery. Hope Ballu can go back to happy life and eat/drink whatever he likes.
我朋友於是聯繫上我,問我有沒有搞頭? 我說先去掃個心超,我們在研究看看,心超掃完後結果是瓣膜退行性的心臟病(stage B1),輕微肺高壓跟主動脈灌流不足...白話文就是老了,可以麻醉,但是要很小心麻醉藥物的選擇跟使用
#ANVH #animalhospital
#thisiswhatwedowhoweareImage attachmentImage attachment+6Image attachment

ANVH EP9 - Case share - dog fight

Dog fight, is that kind of case could be easy or complicated. When we received the dog fight case, the first thing is confirm what's the dog physical status from certain distance, is it conscious or non-conscious? where's the trauma location? is the bleeding stop or not? After checking the vital sign, then usually we will sedate(cause it's painful and mentally scared) the animal and start to process the lesion.

Then what we do is trim the hair. Why? because hair tangled with saliva/blood/discharge is very dirty, and also interfere our vision toward the bite wound as well.

Always looking for the second hole on around the trauma area, because the canine teeth is paired. If you found a hole, there is definitely another one.

Then we clean the wound, drain out all discharge/secretion. If there's not much subcutaneous trauma, can suture it directly; otherwise the dog may need to perform the surgery to remove the severe infection area, if the subcutaneous(SC) trauma tremendously.

In this case, a baby Great Pyrenees had dog fight. After sedation and trim the hair, found total 4 penerated wounds, 2 on the ear panel and 2 on the neck. Drainage test shows that SC trauma is not that severe, so we clean the wound and close it. Dog seems recover well, the bruise on the skin will be gradually healed. The puppy should be fine.

跟大家分享的case是狗打架~一個可以是很簡單,可以是很複雜/困難的手術;通常我們第一時間看到這種case的時候,會先遠距離的觀察一下狗的狀態,精神意識怎摸樣? 是不是還在流血? 創口位置/範圍/大小等等,確認狗的生命徵候後,通常會放倒做清創的手術(動物通常因為疼痛or心理的不安會抗拒醫療團隊的檢查,所以麻醉清創是對雙方都相對安全的方式)





To sum: 遇到dog fight
1. observe animal status from distance
2. trim the hair around the lesion
3. drain/clean the wound
4. oral medictaion/apply topical medication

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ANVH EP9 - Case share - dog fight

Dog fight, is that kind of case could be easy or complicated. When we received the dog fight case, the first thing is confirm whats the dog physical status from certain distance, is it conscious or non-conscious? wheres the trauma location? is the bleeding stop or not? After checking the vital sign, then usually we will sedate(cause its painful and mentally scared) the animal and start to process the lesion. 

Then what we do is trim the hair. Why? because hair tangled with saliva/blood/discharge is very dirty, and also interfere our vision toward the bite wound as well.   

Always looking for the second hole on around the trauma area, because the canine teeth is paired. If you found a hole, there is definitely another one. 

Then we clean the wound, drain out all discharge/secretion. If theres not much subcutaneous trauma, can suture it directly; otherwise the dog may need to perform the surgery to remove the severe infection area, if the subcutaneous(SC) trauma tremendously.

In this case, a baby Great Pyrenees had dog fight. After sedation and trim the hair, found total 4 penerated wounds, 2 on the ear panel and 2 on the neck. Drainage test shows that SC trauma is not that severe, so we clean the wound and close it. Dog seems recover well, the bruise on the skin will be gradually healed. The puppy should be fine.

跟大家分享的case是狗打架~一個可以是很簡單,可以是很複雜/困難的手術;通常我們第一時間看到這種case的時候,會先遠距離的觀察一下狗的狀態,精神意識怎摸樣? 是不是還在流血? 創口位置/範圍/大小等等,確認狗的生命徵候後,通常會放倒做清創的手術(動物通常因為疼痛or心理的不安會抗拒醫療團隊的檢查,所以麻醉清創是對雙方都相對安全的方式)





To sum: 遇到dog fight
1. observe animal status from distance          
2. trim the hair around the lesion                   
3. drain/clean the wound                                
4. oral medictaion/apply topical medication  

#RichmondBCImage attachmentImage attachment+5Image attachment

ANVH EP7 - Grand opening video

Here is the second video about the ANVH Grand Opening


A Niu Veterinary Hospital
Mon~Sat 12pm-22pm
Sun 12pm-18pm
Phone number: 604-285-8822
Email: [email protected]
Address: 1103-4731 McClelland Rd, Richmond, BC V6X0M5


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ANVH EP6 - case share - my dog

Originally, I was planing to write an open house article, to introduce our hospital more and recruit more VA. But something happened with my dog, so I decide to write something related to my son - The A Niu itself.

My dog, A Niu(means bulldog or cow in Mandarin), or Odika, is a 14~15 years old french bulldog. Had several surgery hx, such as foreign body removal(swallowed an needle when he was yong), paralysis right before I came to Canada in 2019. And then pee in blood in 2022, April, I did the surgery and took out 2X small bladder stone. UA shows is calcium oxalate.

The hemauria recurrent again at the end of 2023, my son pee more frequently than before. I did the ultrasound again, and found couple high opacity image inside the bladder. So I think it's the bladder stone again. Therefore I decide to perform the surgery to took it again.

To be frank, I was very anxious the night before the surgery, I think it's because he is my son; based on my job habit, think the worst and prepare for the best is what I always did. I keep thinking lots of what if, what if my son unable to wake? what if hypotension happened? what if I missed something on the X-ray? But all the anxious emotion disappeared when I wore the surgical gowns: this is what we do, who we are, I am doing this for over 10 years. I am good at it.

Approach through linea alba, get away excessive subcutaneous fat tissue, cut the muscle layer open, and found the target-fat bladder.
All my dog's internal organ really looks like himself. Short, round and chunky.

When I approach my finger into the bladder, what I expect is a particle/stone texrture, so when I prepare to remove it from the bladder, I found it attached to the bladder wall. When I followed the mass structure all the way down to the triangle area, the mass occupied 60-70% of the bladder. What it shows under the X-ray and ultrasound was the calcification structure of the tumor.

I was be stunned for 30 second, I have simulated mutiple scenarios before the surgery, I thought I was ready. But I never though the surprice happened in this way. After second thought, I decide to use ultrasound blade to reduce the volume of the mass inside the bladder, to try to reduce the ferquent urination. Based on my experience, most likely is TCC, and it is impossible to be incised completely.
I sent the sample to the lab and waiting for the pathology report.

After the surgery, I am seeing my dog wobbly during the recovery, and thinking: Am I helping him or not?
Interesting thing is that I don't have the similar emotion when I perform the same surgery on other patients.

手術前一晚我其實是很焦慮的,因為是我自己的狗,還是阿牛本牛,14要15歲法鬥,這種條件不管放到哪間醫院都是很硬的,所以我很焦慮,職業使然,一直做最壞的打算最好的準備,like:他醒不過來怎摸辦? 低血壓怎摸辦? 他會不會其實有心肺問題但我沒察覺? X光我有沒有看漏東西? 等等這些負面的情緒,但這些情緒到我穿上無菌刷手服後就煙消雲散,我做這事已經10年了,就是我最擅長的事;手術一開始就像往常,喔低咖所有內臟跟他本人一樣都短短圓圓的,皮下脂肪超級厚,到底冬天抖屁抖?
膀胱一切開尿液先噴濺出來,然後伸手下去探,我期望中的觸感是一顆顆分明的石頭,對,一開始有摸到,當我想要拿出來的時候,ㄟ靠...黏在膀胱壁上,一摸一大叢,一路從切創點延伸至膀胱頸/三角區,大小不一葡萄/菜花狀且裡面有些鈣化的結構...FK 我的小黑豬有膀胱癌?!?!?!

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ANVH EP6 - case share - my dog

Originally, I was planing to write an open house article, to introduce our hospital more and recruit more VA. But something happened with my dog, so I decide to write something related to my son - The A Niu itself.

My dog, A Niu(means bulldog or cow in Mandarin), or Odika, is a 14~15 years old french bulldog. Had several surgery hx, such as foreign body removal(swallowed an needle when he was yong), paralysis right before I came to Canada in 2019. And then pee in blood in 2022, April, I did the surgery and took out 2X small bladder stone. UA shows is calcium oxalate. 

The hemauria recurrent again at the end of 2023, my son pee more frequently than before. I did the ultrasound again, and found couple high opacity image inside the bladder. So I think its the bladder stone again. Therefore I decide to perform the surgery to took it again. 

To be frank, I was very anxious the night before the surgery, I think its because he is my son; based on my job habit, think the worst and prepare for the best is what I always did. I keep thinking lots of what if, what if my son unable to wake? what if hypotension happened? what if I missed something on the X-ray? But all the anxious emotion disappeared when I wore the surgical gowns: this is what we do, who we are, I am doing this for over 10 years. I am good at it.

Approach through linea alba, get away excessive subcutaneous fat tissue, cut the muscle layer open, and found the target-fat bladder.
All my dogs internal organ really looks like himself. Short, round and chunky. 

When I approach my finger into the bladder, what I expect is a particle/stone texrture, so when I prepare to remove it from the bladder, I found it attached to the bladder wall. When I followed the mass structure all the way down to the triangle area, the mass occupied 60-70% of the bladder. What it shows under the X-ray and ultrasound was the calcification structure of the tumor.  

I was be stunned for 30 second, I have simulated mutiple scenarios before the surgery, I thought I was ready. But I never though the surprice happened in this way. After second thought, I decide to use ultrasound blade to reduce the volume of the mass inside the bladder, to try to reduce the ferquent urination. Based on my experience, most likely is TCC, and it is impossible to be incised completely. 
I sent the sample to the lab and waiting for the pathology report.

After the surgery, I am seeing my dog wobbly during the recovery, and thinking: Am I helping him or not?
Interesting thing is that I dont have the similar emotion when I perform the same surgery on other patients.  

手術前一晚我其實是很焦慮的,因為是我自己的狗,還是阿牛本牛,14要15歲法鬥,這種條件不管放到哪間醫院都是很硬的,所以我很焦慮,職業使然,一直做最壞的打算最好的準備,like:他醒不過來怎摸辦? 低血壓怎摸辦? 他會不會其實有心肺問題但我沒察覺? X光我有沒有看漏東西? 等等這些負面的情緒,但這些情緒到我穿上無菌刷手服後就煙消雲散,我做這事已經10年了,就是我最擅長的事;手術一開始就像往常,喔低咖所有內臟跟他本人一樣都短短圓圓的,皮下脂肪超級厚,到底冬天抖屁抖? 
膀胱一切開尿液先噴濺出來,然後伸手下去探,我期望中的觸感是一顆顆分明的石頭,對,一開始有摸到,當我想要拿出來的時候,ㄟ靠...黏在膀胱壁上,一摸一大叢,一路從切創點延伸至膀胱頸/三角區,大小不一葡萄/菜花狀且裡面有些鈣化的結構...FK 我的小黑豬有膀胱癌?!?!?!

#想到我頭就大Image attachmentImage attachment+8Image attachment

ANVH EP5 - Veterinarian introduction #2 獸醫人物誌 趴兔

We are glad to introduce the owner/medical director/A Niu himself, Dr. Wayne Chiu.
Dr. Chiu graduated from Pingtung University of Science and Technology. He has been served in Loving and Kindness Animal Hospital and also a founder of A New Animal Hospital in Taiwan. Is 100% Taiwanese. Dr. Chiu specialized in soft tissue surgery, emergency and critical care, abdominal ultrasound, endoscopes, dentistry, and general internal medicine. He is also a video gamer and basketball player when he was young.
Dr. Chiu and Dr. Yang would be the main Dr. in ANVH. Please feel free to phone us to book an appointment if you need any help.

Our office hour is 12pm-22pm, Mon-Sat
12pm-18pm Sun
phone number: 604-285-8822
Email: [email protected]

是的~今天來介紹ANVH獸醫人物誌趴兔--Dr. Wayne Chiu
Dr. Chiu畢業於台灣屏東科技大學(學號B9616035),曾經於慈愛動物醫院服務,也是台灣阿牛犬貓急診醫院的創辦人,是個100%正港台灣因那!! 邱醫師擅長於軟組織手術,一般內外科,牙科,內視鏡,腹腔超音波,以及急診加護.

醫院營業時間: 12pm-22pm 周一~週六
12pm-18pm 週日
電話: 604-285-8822
電子信箱: [email protected]

#anvh #veterinaryhospital #animalhospital #RichmondBC #vetinrichmondbc #veterinarymedicine
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ANVH EP5 - Veterinarian introduction #2 獸醫人物誌 趴兔

We are glad to introduce the owner/medical director/A Niu himself, Dr. Wayne Chiu. 
Dr. Chiu graduated from Pingtung University of Science and Technology. He has been served in Loving and Kindness Animal Hospital and also a founder of A New Animal Hospital in Taiwan. Is 100% Taiwanese. Dr. Chiu specialized in soft tissue surgery, emergency and critical care, abdominal ultrasound, endoscopes, dentistry, and general internal medicine. He is also a video gamer and basketball player when he was young. 
Dr. Chiu and Dr. Yang would be the main Dr. in ANVH. Please feel free to phone us to book an appointment if you need any help.

Our office hour is 12pm-22pm, Mon-Sat
                             12pm-18pm Sun
phone number: 604-285-8822
Email: reception@anvh.com

是的~今天來介紹ANVH獸醫人物誌趴兔--Dr. Wayne Chiu
Dr. Chiu畢業於台灣屏東科技大學(學號B9616035),曾經於慈愛動物醫院服務,也是台灣阿牛犬貓急診醫院的創辦人,是個100%正港台灣因那!! 邱醫師擅長於軟組織手術,一般內外科,牙科,內視鏡,腹腔超音波,以及急診加護.

醫院營業時間: 12pm-22pm 周一~週六
                        12pm-18pm 週日
電話: 604-285-8822
電子信箱: reception@anuvh.com

#ANVH #VeterinaryHospital #AnimalHospital #RichmondBC #VetinRichmondBC #VeterinaryMedicine

ANVH EP4 - A film about A Niu Veterinary Hospital

We have found a director to make a short film to present what Dr. Chiu would like to demonstrate to the general public. To let people know that what's the daily life of an animal hospital, not merely petting the dogs and cats. Hope this video is helpful.

Welcome to the opening event, if you are available, please come by, if not, watch the video and feel the passion of the A Niu VH team.

See you soon.




#anvh #animalhospital #veterinaryhospital #veterinarymedicine
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ANVH EP3 - Take new patient

Dear owners,

This is Dr. Chiu from A Niu Veterinary Hospital. We are pleased to announce that we are able to take on new patients starting NOW.
Feb 6th to 10th would be our soft running period, with appointment times from 12pm to 6pm.
Full operation will start next Monday, Feb 12, with appointment times from 12pm to 10pm.
Please book an appointment through our phone: 604-285-8822
You can also email any previous medical records of your pet to: [email protected]
Looking forward to meeting you.


A Niu Veterinary Hospital team.


2月6日至2月10日為試營運, 營業時間為中午12點到下午6點, 本周日2/11為開幕慶。
下周2/12開始正式營運, 營業時間為中午12點到晚上10點
有需要的主人請電話預約門診: 604-285-8822
毛孩的病歷請寄到醫院信箱:[email protected]


阿牛獸醫院團隊 敬上
終於!!! 早上收到CVBC的通知(獸醫師公會),我們可以開始執業了
跟開幕慶不一樣,開幕慶是個儀式,一個open house,讓飼主/廠商/同業知道我們在幹嘛,我們可以做到些什麼事等等,但還不能營業,要等主管機關的同意
正式收病患表示我們可以營業啦,跟我的狗喔低咖一樣,每天痴痴的等,終於等到一口地瓜,這個permission就是這個地瓜!! 我會另外再寫兩篇在加拿大從無到有開醫院跟開箱加拿大動物醫院


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ANVH EP3 - Take new patient

Dear owners, 

This is Dr. Chiu from A Niu Veterinary Hospital. We are pleased to announce that we are able to take on new patients starting NOW. 
Feb 6th to 10th would be our soft running period, with appointment times from 12pm to 6pm.
Full operation will start next Monday, Feb 12, with appointment times from 12pm to 10pm.  
Please book an appointment through our phone: 604-285-8822
You can also email any previous medical records of your pet to: reception@anuvh.com 
Looking forward to meeting you.


A Niu Veterinary Hospital team.


2月6日至2月10日為試營運, 營業時間為中午12點到下午6點, 本周日2/11為開幕慶。
下周2/12開始正式營運, 營業時間為中午12點到晚上10點
有需要的主人請電話預約門診: 604-285-8822


阿牛獸醫院團隊 敬上
終於!!!  早上收到CVBC的通知(獸醫師公會),我們可以開始執業了
跟開幕慶不一樣,開幕慶是個儀式,一個open house,讓飼主/廠商/同業知道我們在幹嘛,我們可以做到些什麼事等等,但還不能營業,要等主管機關的同意
正式收病患表示我們可以營業啦,跟我的狗喔低咖一樣,每天痴痴的等,終於等到一口地瓜,這個permission就是這個地瓜!! 我會另外再寫兩篇在加拿大從無到有開醫院跟開箱加拿大動物醫院



ANVH EP2 - Grand Opening

Dear parents of furry children,

This is Dr. Chiu, from A Niu Veterinary Hospital. We are thrilled to extend a warm welcome to you and your cherished furry companion to A Niu Veterinary Hospital. As passionate advocates for the well-being of animals, we are honored that you have chosen us to be a part of your pet's healthcare journey.

At A Niu Veterinary Hospital, we understand that your pets are more than just animals-they are beloved members of your family. Our dedicated team of experienced veterinarians and compassionate staff is committed to providing the highest quality of care in a welcoming and stress-free environment.

Whether your pet requires routine check-ups, specialized treatments, or emergency care, rest assured that we are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and a genuine love for animals to ensure the best possible outcomes. Our comprehensive range of services includes preventive care, surgery, dentistry, diagnostics, and more.

We believe in open communication and collaboration and actively participate in your pet's healthcare decisions. Our team is here to support you every step of the way, fostering a partnership that prioritizes the health and happiness of your four-legged family members.

Thank you for choosing A Niu Veterinary Hospital. We look forward to building a lasting relationship with you and your pets. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or if there's anything we can assist you with.

Wishing you and your furry children many years of joy, health, and companionship!!

Warm regards,

Wayne Chiu, DVM, Owner, Medical director of A Niu Veterinary Hospital

Hospital info
Address: 1103-4731 McClelland Rd, Richmond, BC V6X0M5
Office hours: Mon-Sat 12:00 - 22:00,
Sun 12:00 - 18:00
Phone number: 604-285-8822
Email: [email protected]
FB: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61555826675400



Dr. Wayne Chiu
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ANVH EP2 - Grand Opening

Dear parents of furry children, 

This is Dr. Chiu, from A Niu Veterinary Hospital. We are thrilled to extend a warm welcome to you and your cherished furry companion to A Niu Veterinary Hospital. As passionate advocates for the well-being of animals, we are honored that you have chosen us to be a part of your pets healthcare journey.

At A Niu Veterinary Hospital, we understand that your pets are more than just animals-they are beloved members of your family. Our dedicated team of experienced veterinarians and compassionate staff is committed to providing the highest quality of care in a welcoming and stress-free environment.

Whether your pet requires routine check-ups, specialized treatments, or emergency care, rest assured that we are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and a genuine love for animals to ensure the best possible outcomes. Our comprehensive range of services includes preventive care, surgery, dentistry, diagnostics, and more.

We believe in open communication and collaboration and actively participate in your pets healthcare decisions. Our team is here to support you every step of the way, fostering a partnership that prioritizes the health and happiness of your four-legged family members.

Thank you for choosing A Niu Veterinary Hospital. We look forward to building a lasting relationship with you and your pets. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or if theres anything we can assist you with.

Wishing you and your furry children many years of joy, health, and companionship!!

Warm regards,

Wayne Chiu, DVM, Owner, Medical director of A Niu Veterinary Hospital

Hospital info
Address: 1103-4731 McClelland Rd, Richmond, BC V6X0M5
Office hours: Mon-Sat 12:00 - 22:00,  
                      Sun 12:00 - 18:00
Phone number: 604-285-8822
Email: reception@anuvh.com
FB: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61555826675400



Dr. Wayne Chiu

ANVH EP1 - Veterinarian introduction 獸醫人物誌

We are honored to introduce one of our veterinarians - Dr. Rex Yang

Growing up as a teenager in Vancouver, Dr. Rex Yang was excited about returning to Canada in 2020 with his family. Following his dad’s passion for animals, he graduated from the National Taiwan University School of Veterinary Medicine in 2012. He then continued to pursue a Master’s Degree in small animal clinical oncology where he learned about not only the treatment options for end-stage diseases but also the importance of empathy and quality of life.

Dr. Rex Yang then ventured to Hong Kong working at a busy day practice for 3 years before he started working in Taipei serving small animal cancer patients again. Due to the expectancy of a newborn baby in 2020, Dr. Rex Yang decided to bring the whole family back to Vancouver and he is ecstatic about supporting the furry family members at the place where he gained most of his precious moments during his childhood.

Dr. Rex Yang specializes in internal medicine, common surgery, and the oncology field. Also, he is very good at making hamburgers and being a dad.



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ANVH EP1 - Veterinarian introduction 獸醫人物誌

We are honored to introduce one of our veterinarians - Dr. Rex Yang

Growing up as a teenager in Vancouver, Dr. Rex Yang was excited about returning to Canada in 2020 with his family. Following his dad’s passion for animals, he graduated from the National Taiwan University School of Veterinary Medicine in 2012. He then continued to pursue a Master’s Degree in small animal clinical oncology where he learned about not only the treatment options for end-stage diseases but also the importance of empathy and quality of life. 

Dr. Rex Yang then ventured to Hong Kong working at a busy day practice for 3 years before he started working in Taipei serving small animal cancer patients again. Due to the expectancy of a newborn baby in 2020, Dr. Rex Yang decided to bring the whole family back to Vancouver and he is ecstatic about supporting the furry family members at the place where he gained most of his precious moments during his childhood.

Dr. Rex Yang specializes in internal medicine, common surgery, and the oncology field. Also, he is very good at making hamburgers and being a dad.



5 months ago

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After a year's plan and 6 months of construction, now we are almost there!!
A Niu Veterinary Hospital run by Taiwanese Dr, Wayne Chiu and Rex Yang. We are here to provide a professional veterinary service. From general health check-ups to surgery or hospitalization.
See you guys in Feb 2024.
... See MoreSee Less

After a years plan and 6 months of construction, now we are almost there!! 
A Niu Veterinary Hospital run by Taiwanese Dr, Wayne Chiu and Rex Yang. We are here to provide a professional veterinary service. From general health check-ups to surgery or hospitalization. 
See you guys in Feb 2024.
#系共朽朽Image attachmentImage attachment

Hi, every owner,
Welcome to A Niu Veterinary Hospital, where compassionate care meets furry friends. Our professional team is here to ensure the well-being of your beloved pets. From routine healthy check-ups to specialized treatments. We are committed to providing top-notch healthy care for every tail and paw that walks through our doors. Your pets are family, and at A Niu, family always comes first.
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5 months ago

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